In September of 2023 the first ever full Solar Racing team from Norway was finally formed. The team consists of a highly multi-disciplinary team, distributed between the groups of Mechanical, Electrical, Strategy, Brand, Logistics and the Board. This marks an outstanding achievement in Norwegian Solar racing history!

Do you want to become part of the team?

Apply here


Sivert Sande Kverme's profile

Sivert Sande Kverme

Co-founder and Team Leader

Aare Hoholm's profile

Aare Hoholm

Technical Leader

Sebastian Jacobsen's profile

Sebastian Jacobsen

Co-founder and Head of Competition

Maren Henæs Sand's profile

Maren Henæs Sand

Head of Brand

Erik Fougner Arnesen's profile

Erik Fougner Arnesen

Head of Production

Paul Våge's profile

Paul Våge

Head of Finance



The Board of Nordlys is the deciding and guiding force of our organization, consisting of group leaders and exceptional students. Every major decision goes either thru, or is made by the board, which makes its members exposed to great responsibility. With this responsibility also comes power, which the board members are expected to handle with care and respect. The board is the very pilar of which the other groups stand, and what nurtures their ability to grow and preform.

Do you want to come in contact with us? The easiest way is to fill in the form!

Created by and for students.